Second Heart Sound with Fixed Splitting | #46

This example shows fixed splitting of the second heart sound. The second heart sound remains unchanged through inspiration and expiration at sixty milliseconds. Fixed splitting of the second heart sound (along with murmurs) indicates the presence of an Atrial Septal Defect, a congenital heart defect in which the intra-atrial septum is incomplete resulting in a hole between the left and right atria. The murmurs have been eliminated in this lesson so that you can concentrate on the fixed splitting of the second heart sound. In a later lesson you will hear the fixed splitting of S2 along with the murmurs of Atrial Septal Defect.

Second Heart Sound with Fixed Splitting Audio

Second Heart Sound with Fixed Splitting auscultation sound from lesson

Patient Sounds

patient heart or lung sound
Second Heart Sound with Fixed Splitting patient recording

Half Speed Patient Sounds

patient heart or lung sound
Second Heart Sound with Fixed Splitting half speed


Patient position
The patient's position should be supine.

Auscultation Tips

S2:Fixed splitting throughout respiratory cycle

Sound Wave

Observe Cardiac Animation

Authors and Sources

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Second Heart Sound with Fixed Splitting | #46

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